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Walk Across Alabama

Would you like to be one of the 20 to "Walk Across Alabama"?

It's easier than you might imagine – especially with the help of Shoals Community Clinic, during our walking event.

SHOALS WALK ACROSS ALABAMA will be held during the Scale Back Alabama challenge, a state initiative to address obesity. There will be an opening event (see info below) with a free yoga class, and group walks offered weekly that will be part of Fresh Air Family, a state program that encourages outdoor family activities. Participants will be challenged to walk the distance across the state of Alabama.

The program will begin in February and continue through April. Each participant will be given a pedometer and incentive prizes at various points. The clinic will partner with the UNA’s Health Education Department to provide motivation to participants. We will also partner with 2 churches in the area that have indoor tracks. Our goal is to have at least 20 participants, and to promote the event and active lifestyle to our community at large. We hope this event will encourage people to continue walking throughout the year. Let us know if you'd like to be a part of this walking event!

Join us for the Kickoff / Registration Event:

Tuesday, February 6th from 5-6pm,

at Highland Baptist Family Life Center, on the 2nd floor.

Then, continue with weekly group walks on Tuesdays, February 6th through April 17th, at the same time and place.

Link to this Facebook Event

To read a related TimesDaily article, click here.

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