Volunteer Opportunities
There are numerous Opportunities for Involvement in Shoals Community Clinic...
Corporate Sponsorship: Work with Board of Directors and Executive Director to help obtain corporate sponsorship for an event, start a matching gifts program or fundraising campaign.
Data Entry: Enter data into existing data recording systems; need not know specific recording system but computer skills required.
Fundraising: Assist Board of Directors and Executive Director with annual fundraisers and other fundraising event.
Intake / Reception: Welcome patients to the clinic, pull charts for existing clients, establish charts for new patients, make new and follow-up appointments.
Interpretation Services: Bilingual individual to help interpret for patients at the clinic and at referral appointments outside of the clinic. Some knowledge of medical terminology preferred.
Preparation of Annual Appeal Letters: Printing, folding, stuffing, sealing and attaching stamps for 1000+ letters and envelopes. Appeals occur twice a year, in spring and fall.
Volunteers: Doctors, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Dental Hygienists & Assistants – Health professionals willing to donate their time and services to provide care during clinic hours.
Volunteers: Office and Administrative Support – Provide help with intake, medical chart filing, data entry, and other administrative tasks.
Please note: Not all volunteer opportunities are consistently available. Some volunteer opportunities require special licenses or certification and privacy training. All volunteers must sign confidentiality statements and adhere to client privacy standards.
If you are interested in participating in any of these opportunities, please contact the Shoals Community Clinic at (256) 760-4713 or email us.